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Christine established Open Inclusion 5 years ago with the objective of connecting the design and innovation community to the power and value of inclusion through user engagement and insight. Open has become a market leading provider of inclusive insight, market research and universal and adaptive design concepts. An economist by trade and designer by nature she looks to add tangible and sustainable value to organisations by improving the consistency and quality of their brand experience.
Michael Parker has more than 20 years of experience working in the assistive technology field. After founding Access Ingenuity in 2002, he has lead Access Ingenuity's efforts to remediate documents for accessibility and test the accessibility of websites. He has also developed products for the visually impaired as well as implemented access solutions for people with disabilities in many different settings - including employment centers, libraries, hospitals, and universities.
Founder/President of WeCo Accessibiility Services, a company of digital technologists who all live with one or more disability. Communications education/federal program coordination experience, former Minnesota Department of Transportation's Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan Accessibiltiy Communications Specialist. In addition to leading WeCo, specializes in accessible Microsoft documents, accessibiltiy policy development and planning.